Are We Alone?

L.A. Marzulli on Paracas Skulls & Nephilim

Despite cranial manipulation being commonplace through out the old world,  I’m still left with questions. 1.Was it aesthetics they were after? I do know that in some cases cranial manipulation was a sign of social status, but that not all of high stature practiced the tradition. 2. Were they imitating other tribes or perhaps other creatures? I know that there was great trade amongst the peoples of South America and further more, people from around the world. Maybe exposure to such practices happened within that trade world. 3.Was it some sort of health benefit? I haven’t found any supporting evidence for that speculation but never to be ruled out completely.

The discussion in the Coast to Coast podcast sparks my curiosity Evidence points to these skulls being elongated rather than cranial manipulation. This kind of stuff destroys the evolution theory. It also puts things like monolithic structures into a different perspective. What if aliens had nothing to do with those things, or maybe only in part? I mean, when you get together a few men 13-27 feet tall, suddenly, building a pyramid with stones that weigh tons doesn’t seem that big a task. What if all around the world these beings existed with their own cultural practices, their own traditions, spiritual beliefs and technologies. The world then looks completely different. Why hide even the remote possibility that humans and such beings lived in the same realm?

Why not revise the history of not just man but of all creatures? With eye orbits 30% larger than that of any human and the pupillary distance around 42-46 suggesting these particular Paracas creatures were nocturnal, it would explain their stay in the caves of Peru .Other tribes like the Horites, first mentioned in the Torah were Nephilim tribe who dwelled in caves near the region of Canaan. It’s said these Horites according to Genesis 36, co-existed and inter-married with the family of Esau, grandson of Abraham through Isaac. All very interesting stuff. I’ll continue to investigate these matters. I guess I am wondering why this stuff is kept so hush hush. wondering why main stream wont support these findings.